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Professional Stand Up Tanning Beds For Sale

Elevate your tanning experience with our Stand up Tanning beds. Made with a sleek, space-saving design, and equipped with advanced tanning technology, they deliver an unparalleled tanning experience.

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When it comes to tanning beds, there are two main types: stand up tanning beds and lay down tanning beds. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to understand the differences between the two before making a decision on which one to use.

Stand Up Tanning Beds:

Stand up tanning beds are a popular option for those who want a quick and efficient tanning session. They are designed to be used while standing upright, and typically have stronger bulbs than lay down tanning beds. This means that stand up tanning beds can provide a more intense tan in a shorter amount of time.

One of the biggest advantages of stand up tanning beds is that they are more hygienic than lay down tanning beds. Since you are standing upright, there is less contact between your body and the tanning bed, which reduces the risk of spreading germs. Additionally, stand up tanning beds are easier to clean and maintain.

Lay Down Tanning Beds:

commercial Lay down tanning beds are another popular option for those who want to achieve a golden glow. They are designed to be used while lying down, and typically have a longer session time than stand up tanning beds. This means that you may need to spend more time in a lay down tanning bed to achieve the same level of tan as you would in a stand up tanning bed.

One advantage of lay down tanning beds is that they are more comfortable than stand up tanning beds. Since you are lying down, there is less pressure on your feet and legs, which can be a relief for those who have joint pain or other issues. Additionally, lay down tanning beds often have more features, such as built-in fans and music players, which can make the tanning experience more enjoyable.

Overall, the choice between stand up tanning beds and lay down tanning beds comes down to personal preference. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to consider your own needs and preferences when making a decision.



More Even Tan

Stand up tanning beds provide a more even tan as the UV rays are able to reach all parts of the body. This means no more awkward tan lines or missed spots. Additionally, the standing position allows for a more natural and even distribution of the tanning lotion or spray.

Faster Tanning Sessions

Tanning in a stand up bed can be faster than traditional horizontal beds. This is because the UV rays are stronger and the standing position allows for a more direct exposure to the rays. This can lead to shorter tanning sessions, which can be more convenient for those with busy schedules.

Improved Hygiene

Stand up tanning beds are often considered more hygienic than traditional horizontal beds. This is because the standing position means that the body does not come into contact with the same surface that other people have used. Additionally, the vertical position allows for better air circulation, which can help prevent the spread of bacteria and other germs.

Reduced Pressure Points

Tanning in a stand up bed can be more comfortable for those who experience pressure points or discomfort when lying down. The standing position means that there is no pressure on the back, hips, or other areas of the body that may be sensitive. This can lead to a more relaxing and enjoyable tanning experience.

Our Red light Stand up tanning beds have many other health benefits?


Using a stand-up tanning bed is fairly simple and straightforward. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. First, ensure that you have the right clothing. It’s recommended to wear minimal clothing, such as a swimsuit or underwear, to ensure that all parts of your skin are exposed to the UV rays. Avoid wearing jewelry or accessories that may reflect the light and cause uneven tanning.

  2. Next, apply a tanning lotion or oil to your skin. This can help to accelerate the tanning process and keep your skin moisturized. Make sure to choose a product that is designed for indoor tanning and avoid using outdoor tanning lotions. For Legs you can use special tanning lotions.

  3. Adjust the height of the tanning bed to ensure that it’s comfortable for you. Many stand-up tanning beds have adjustable height settings to accommodate people of different heights.

  4. Step inside the tanning bed and close the door behind you. Make sure that you’re standing in the center of the bed and that your body is evenly spaced from the lamps.

  5. Set the timer on the tanning bed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s recommended to start with a shorter session and gradually increase the time as you build up your tan. Tanning sessions of 5 to 15 minutes are Recommended. Anything more that 20 minutes could result in skin damages.

  6. Once the session is over, step out of the tanning bed and wipe off any excess tanning lotion or oil. It’s also important to moisturize your skin after tanning to keep it hydrated and healthy.

Overall, using a stand-up tanning bed can be a convenient and effective way to achieve a tan. However, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and take proper precautions to avoid overexposure to UV rays.

While stand up tanning beds are generally safe, it’s important to take proper precautions to avoid overexposure to UV rays. Users should wear protective eyewear and limit their tanning sessions to no more than once a day. It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use and maintenance of the tanning bed.

Overall, stand up tanning beds are a convenient and effective way to achieve a tan. With proper use and precautions, users can enjoy a beautiful, even tan without the risks associated with prolonged sun exposure.